Now showing items 241-250 of 250

    • Face Emotion Recognition - A survey 

      Kartigayan, M.; Mohamed Rizon, Mohamed Juhari; Sazali, Yaacob; Nagarajan, R. (Oita University, 2006-01-23)
      The facial emotion is playing a vital role in visual communication system. The vision system is being integrated to the robot to recognize the facial gestures or emotion. The integration of the vision system and EMG sensors ...
    • GPS controlled autonomous walking robot with ultrasonic sensor 

      Bukhari, Ilias; R. Nagarajan; Sazali, Yaacob; Sundaraj, Kenneth (Kolej Universiti Kejuruteraan Utara Malaysia (KUKUM)School of Mechatronic Engineering, 2006-12)
      The Global Positioning System (GPS) is normally attached to modern cars. It is used to indicate the driver by voice signal to understand the current location and the directions to reach the target location In this research ...
    • GPS controlled autonomous walking robot 

      Bukhari, Ilias; R. Nagarajan; Sazali, Yaacob; Sundaraj, Kenneth (Kolej Universiti Kejuruteraan Utara Malaysia (KUKUM)School of Mechatronic Engineering, 2006-09-16)
      The Global Positioning System (GPS) is normally attached to modern cars. It is used to indicate the driver by voice signal to understand the current location and the directions to reach the target location In this research ...
    • Intelligent vehicle fault diagnosis system using Neural Networks 

      Paulraj, Murugesapandian; Sazali, Yaacob; Nor Shaifudin, Abd Hamid; Hema, Chengalvarayan Radhakrishnamurthy (Universiti Teknologi MaraFaculty of Electrical Engineering, 2007-03-09)
      Diagnosis has become a very complex and critical task in determining the condition of vehicle engine. Sound emitted by the engine is always considered to be an annoying noise but a detaiedl analysis of the sound signal ...
    • Engine diagnosis system for automative industry 

      Sazali, Yaacob (Universiti Malaysia PerlisSchool of Mechatronic Engineering, 2007)
      The condition monitoring based on sound and vibration detection has benefited the machinery industry. Endless efforts have been put into the research of fault diagnosis based on sound. It offers concrete economic benefits, ...
    • The use of acoustic control technology to improve the manufaturing process to foster better engineering environment 

      Saifull Nizar, Ahmad; Mohd Noor Arib, Md Rejab; Sazali, Yaacob; Fauziah, Mat (Universiti Malaysia Perlis, 2008-12-05)
      Through this project; the semi-automated system will be improved to a fully automatic system by using acoustic technology. This Machine acts as a combined Melting Furnace, Spin Casting Loading and Automatic Pouring Machine. ...
    • Development of gender and race recognition system using speech and recognition by using frequency spectrum 

      Ng Siew Fong (School of Mechatronics Engineering, 2008-05)
      In this thesis, the development of an algorithm and system that is able to recognize gender and races by using the speech frequency spectrum is presented. Some of the features extracted are the formant frequency and ...
    • An Intelligent Vision Based Domestic Waste Sorting System 

      Hema, Chengalvarayan Radhakrishnamurthy; Paulraj, Murugesapandian, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Sazali, Yaacob, Prof. Dr.; Ramachandran, Nagarajan, Prof. Dr.; Abdul Hamid, Adom, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; R. Jaii Ganes Rangasamy; Maheswaran, Degarajan (School of Mechatronic Engineering, 2008-01-09)
      The Intelligent Vision Based Domestic Waste Sorting System is an automatic waste sorting system which use vision and infra red sensors to indentify paper and plastic. The system consists of a conveyor system to feed the ...
    • Intelligent Diagnosis System for Voice Disorders 

      Sazali Yaacob, Prof. Dr.; Paulraj, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; M. Hariharan; S.A. Mohd Yusof (School of Mechatronic Engineering, 2008-01-09)
      Diagnosis system for voice disorders without expertise of ENT.
    • Development of Autonomous and Semi Autonomous Mobile Robot Platform for Multiple Sensing Applications 

      Abdul Hamid, Adom, PM Dr.; Sazali, Yaacob, Prof. Dr. (School of Mechatronic Engineering, 2008-01-09)
      For access control, surveillance and gas or early fire detection.