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dc.contributor.authorNordin, Saad
dc.contributor.authorTaib, Ibrahim
dc.contributor.authorHandy, Ali Munir
dc.contributor.authorMuhammad, Kamarul Baharin
dc.identifier.citationp. 1 – 6en_US
dc.descriptionProceedings of 3rd National Postgraduate Conference on Energy and Sustainability: Exploring the Innovative Minds (NPC 2011) at Perak, Malaysia on 19 September 2011 through 20 September 2011.en_US
dc.description.abstractIntelligent control has contributed great benefits to industry in terms of increasing efficiency and productivity of industrial processes. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) -based controller is one of the control device used in industrial automation drive applications, the important aspect is to control speed of an induction motor in the presence of variable load. The plant model in this project is developed using MATLAB/Simulink and the aim is to simulate and analyze the appropriate control technique suitable for implementation onto the PLC to perform real-time implementation of the VSD (variable speed drive) control. This paper presents the work conducted in analyzing, evaluating and improving a PLCbased intelligent controller for a Pulse Width Modulation Driven Variable Speed Drive (PWM Driven VSD) of an induction motor by using state space control method, focusing at the wide range of speed response. The results show that it is possible to archive a consistent control from low till high speed range.en_US
dc.publisherIEEE Conference Publicationsen_US
dc.subjectVariable speed driveen_US
dc.subjectPLC-Based controlleren_US
dc.subjectInduction motoren_US
dc.subjectState spaceen_US
dc.titleModelling and simulation of PLC-based PWMDriven variable speed drive via state-space approachen_US

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