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dc.contributor.authorZol Bahri, Razali, Dr.
dc.identifier.citationMalaysian Journal of Distance Education, vol.16 (1),2014, pages 79−99en_US
dc.identifier.issn1511-6433 (p)
dc.identifier.issn2180-4265 (o)
dc.descriptionLink to publisher's homepage at
dc.description.abstractWith the high cost of traditional or hands-on laboratory classes, and the need for distance learning in many university institutions, there has been a trend towards providing online laboratory classes through remote or simulated access. An online laboratory class can offer cost savings compared to a hands-on laboratory, and has been made possible by advancements in software and communication technologies. The increase of e-laboratory or (remote laboratory) applications calls for an in-depth evaluation on its effectiveness. The results show that performing an experiment away from the physical equipment can have a significant effect on the student's learning experience while not negatively affecting learning outcomes. The physical separation allows students to learn and interact freely and creates a good opportunity for knowledge transfer. Furthermore, the freedom offered by e-laboratories has also allowed for a student's participation to be more involved with the laboratory experiment. Results also suggest that e-laboratories are comparable in effectiveness to hands-on laboratories, at least in teaching basic applications of course content, and are sufficient on their own.en_US
dc.publisherUniversiti Sains Malaysia Pressen_US
dc.subjectPractical intelligenceen_US
dc.subjectHands-on laboratoryen_US
dc.subjectRemote laboratoryen_US
dc.subjectLaboratory exerciseen_US
dc.titlee-Laboratory for automation technology course in UniMAP: effective for distance education?en_US

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