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dc.contributor.authorZuhayr, Md Ghazaly
dc.contributor.authorMustaqqim, Abdul Rahim
dc.contributor.authorKok Alfred, Chee Jee
dc.contributor.authorNur Fitriah, Isa
dc.contributor.authorLiyana, Ahmad Sofri
dc.identifier.citationMaterials Science Forum, vol.857, 2016, pages 555-559en_US
dc.descriptionLink to publisher's homepage at
dc.description.abstractSlope stability analysis is one of the ancient tasks in the geotechnical engineering. There are two major methods; limit equilibrium method (LEM) and finite element method (FEM) that were used to analyze the factor of safety (FOS) to determine the stability of slope. The factor of safety will affect the remediation method to be underdesign or overdesign if the analysis method was not well chosen. This can lead to safety and costing problems which are the main concern. Furthermore, there were no statement that issued one of the analysis methods was more preferred than another. To achieve the objective of this research, the soil sample collected from landslide at Wang Kelian were tested to obtain the parameters of the soils. Then, those results were inserted into Plaxis and Slope/W software for modeling to obtain the factor of safety based on different cases such as geometry and homogenous of slope. The FOS obtained by FEM was generally lower compared to LEM but LEM can provide an obvious critical slip surface. This can be explained by their principles. Overall, the analysis method chosen must be based on the purpose of the analysis.en_US
dc.publisherTrans Tech Publications Ltd.en_US
dc.subjectFactor of safetyen_US
dc.subjectFinite element methoden_US
dc.subjectLimit equilibrium methoden_US
dc.subjectSlope stabilityen_US
dc.titleLandslide simulation using limit equilibrium and finite element methoden_US

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