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dc.contributor.authorZulkhairi, Azam
dc.contributor.authorIhram, Johar
dc.contributor.authorZainal Abidin, Zainuddin
dc.contributor.authorFariq, Rahman
dc.identifier.citationMovement, Health & Exercise (MoHE), vol.8(1), 2019, pages 135-144en_US
dc.identifier.issn2231-9409 (Print)
dc.identifier.issn2600-9404 (Online)
dc.descriptionLink to publisher's homepage at
dc.description.abstractDigit ratio has been investigated extensively and in certain studies has been shown to be predetermined as early as in the womb. Digit ratio is often associated with varied human performance in various aspects such as fertility, psychology, disease, and sports. It has been reported that athletes with higher testosterone levels excel over than those with low testosterone levels. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the association of low digit ratio with talented young footballers’ aerobic and anaerobic capacities. The study selected 29 subjects (N=29), comprising male students aged 10.41±0.57 (years) actively undergoing football training at the Kuala Lumpur Football Association (KLFA) Academy. Spearman’s Rho result indicates that low digit ratio is moderately correlated with aerobic capacity, which was tested by using One Mile Run test (MRW) with = 0.406, p = 0.029. Meanwhile, concerning the association between low digit ratio and anaerobic capacity through 50-meter sprint tests, the results deduced from Spearman’s Rho revealed that there is no significant correlation, with =-.128, p=0.509. In conclusion, these results may give further insights into the influence of digit ratio on energy capacities if the sample size is improved with a thorough methodology. Given a larger sample size and detailed research in future, digit ratio could be a good indicator in classifying athletes based on their dominant energy system capacity.en_US
dc.publisherKementerian Pendidikan Tinggi (KPT), Malaysiaen_US
dc.subjectDigit Ratioen_US
dc.subjectAerobic Capacityen_US
dc.subjectAnaerobic Capacityen_US
dc.subjectTalented Young Footballersen_US
dc.titleDigit Ratio and Its Relationship With Aerobic and Anaerobic Capacities Among Talented Young Footballersen_US

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