An efficient and accurate numerical simulation method for the paint curing process in auto industries
Complex heat transfer phenomena occur in auto paint curing ovens. Due to the complexities in the geometry, boundary
conditions and the heat and fluid flow fields, analysis of the heat exchange and the curing process is difficult and numerical
simulation is urgently needed. However, development of a computationally affordable yet sufficiently accurate analysis
method is not an easy task. In this paper a number of subtleties associated with an appropriate physical and numerical model for
the paint curing process in auto industries are discussed. An efficient computational algorithm is then introduced which
allows to numerically model the paint curing process of a three dimensional body in a convective oven. The proposed algorithm
employs a geometry modeler, a mesh generator, a flow solver, heat transfer correlations, visualization tools and a number of specifically written master computer programs to achieve the goal. Computational results are presented which show that the method is computationally efficient and simulates a real paint
curing process with sufficient accuracy.
- Conference Papers [2599]