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dc.contributor.authorHilal Adnan, Fadhil, Dr.
dc.contributor.authorSyed Alwee Aljunid, Syed Junid, Prof. Dr.
dc.contributor.authorHassan Y., Ahmed
dc.contributor.authorHamza Mohammed Ridha, Al-Khafaji
dc.identifier.citationOptik, vol. 123 (1), 2012, pages 956-963en_US
dc.descriptionLink to publisher's homepage at
dc.description.abstractWe present, for the first time, several aspects of incoherent optical code-division multiple access (OCDMA) codes, focusing on the flexible variable cross-correlation code allocation and its potential for future optical networks. We briefly present a new version of the Random Diagonal (RD) codes for Spectral-Amplitude Coding (SAC) OCDMA approaches. We then concentrate on the properties specific to such schemes allowing for its increased scalability and flexibility. The main coding properties are reviewed. The RD codes provide simple matrix constructions compared to the other SAC-OCDMA codes such as Hadamard, MQC and MFH codes. This code possesses such a numerous advantages, including the efficient and easy code construction, simple encoder/decoder design, existence for every natural number n, and variable in-phase cross-correlation and easy to implement using Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs). Finally, a new detection scheme called "NAND" detection is developed for the variable cross-correlation RD code.en_US
dc.publisherElsevier Ltd.en_US
dc.subjectMultiple access interference (MAI)en_US
dc.subjectOptical code division multiple access (OCDMA)en_US
dc.subjectPhase induced intensity noise (PIIN)en_US
dc.subjectSpectral amplitude coding (SAC)en_US
dc.titleVariable cross-correlation code construction for spectral amplitude coding optical CDMA networksen_US

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