Inform departure and arriving of busses using Bluetooth
Bluetooth is a new technology in the wireless communication system. Bluetooth become the best technology that work in short range and using low power comsumption to work. Because of its low power consumption and ability, the mobile device user is preferred to use this technology. Nowaday, wireless technology is popular among the users. Most of us use this kind of technologies in our day time. The application of wireless technology can be used to send and receive a file without need us to connect to the application provider. This project will discuss about an application to inform passenger the departure and arriving of busses using Bluetooth connections. Passenger will able to receive a notification about their journey detail from a server using the mobile phone. The server itself will keep the data information about the journey details. The information about the journey details only available on request. This will keep the others Bluetooth user that not using this application from receiving the data from server. The detail about the process to design and develop this system will be explained in this thesis.