Design of controller circuit for AC-to-DC three-phase inverter by using FPGA
I use Altera UP3 board with Cyclone FPGA chipset to generate the six signals needed by this project. These six signals are created by using VHDL programming in the Quartus II software. The 1st and the 2nd signals are designed under same phase shift, the 3rd and the 4th under same phase shift but is 120° phase shift difference form the 1st signal, the 5th and the 6th under same phase shift but 240° phase shift from the 1st signal. After the simulation from the software, the six signals will be loaded into the Altera UP3 board to generate the voltage output signals which are exactly same from the simulation result signals. Then these signals are connected to a switching circuit which is constructed by a few gating transistors, I use transistor 2N2222A for this project as a switching transistor. The final output from the switching transistor will connected to 3 loads. The output for every load will be a sinusoidal waveform which is represents an AC power pulse. After this, 3 of the outputs will connected to transformer to make the output voltage step up to 240 Volt for every single phase.