Characterization of Optical Fibers Containing Nanoparticles Doped Rare Earth as an Amplifier for Telecommunications
The influence of dielectric nanoparticles in an amplifier is still actively sought in many
research laboratories. This paper presents the effect of doped nanoparticle namely
magnesium in fiber amplifiers. Phase separation technique at 1700°C was utilized to
form dielectric nanoparticles incorporated in silica matrix and encapsulating the
luminescent ions with different concentrations. It is observed that there are
modifications made to the spectroscopy of Er3+ within its spectral bandwidth in some
samples. Increasing the concentration of magnesium may result in spectral changes
caused by different size of nanoparticles. Length of fibers has been varied successively
by using cut‐back method in estimating the optimal length for higher amplification. Copropogative configuration approach was used to analyze the amplifier’s gain for variable lengths and pump powers. The fiber length of 2 m is recorded to give the best
amplification at all range of wavelengths with pump power of 150 mW.