Analysis and improvement of HP Deskjet 3920 printer using the boothroyd-dewhurst DFA method
The objective of this thesis is to apply Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFA method on product to
improve the assembly time and cost of the product The parts can be improved by using
classification system for manual insertion and handling time without eliminate their
function Printer model HP Deskjet 3920 had been choosing to be analyse and improve by
applying Boothroyd-Dewhurst DFA method. Solidworks 2007 has been used as a CAD
software in draw part by part of printer and analyse in terms of von mises stress. The actual
total of parts before improvement is 142 parts and after improvement, it is reduced to 111
parts which eliminating 31 parts. After improvement, total operation cost can be saving is
about RM 2201.19 x 10-4 for each printer produced. The percentage of improvement can be
done is 23 percent from original design.