Half-bridge power supply to control 180V DC motor
This project is to design a Half-Bridge power supply to control 180 V DC motor.
Basically, the usage of this Half-Bridge power supply is to convert DC to AC then step
up from 12 V AC to 180 V AC by using step up transformer than convert back to DC,
this waveform will be control to adjust the DC motor speed by adjusting or varying the
frequency of the Mosfet Gate. Generally, for this project a Monostable/Astable
multivibrator HEF4047 use as a Half-bridge driver and to generate oscillation. There
will be two inputs for the circuit. One will be the input for the Half-Bridge driver with
oscillator and the other one will be the input for the DC motor. The input voltage is 12
V. The voltage and current to the motor is controlled by a MOSFET. The MOSFET is
controlled by a circuit controller that is capable of controlling the speed of a 180V
motor by controlling the frequency.