Now showing items 41-60 of 83

    • Designing an acculturation scale for Malaysian students in Japan universities 

      Ina Suryani, Ab Rahim; Hazry, Desa, Dr.; Intan Maslina (INTI College, 2007)
      Adjustment to a new culture is crucial psychological and behavioural process among international students. Adaptation supports the performance and functioning of these students. Failure to adapt to the changes in the new ...
    • Human skin detections based on balanced skin-color gradient 

      Dr. Abadal-Salam Taha, Hussain, Dr.; Sundaraj, Kenneth, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Hazry, Desa, Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2012-06-18)
      This paper talks about a new technique and its implementation of a Human Skin Detection algorithm based on balanced skin-color. In human skin detection and segmentation, human skin must be located in the image and then can ...
    • The development of a low cost cata glove by using flexible bend sensor for resistive interfaces 

      Nazrul Hamizi, Adnan; Wan Khairunizam, Wan Ahmad, Dr.; Shahriman, Abu Bakar, Dr.; Siti Khadijah, ZA'BA, Dr.; Hazry, Desa, Dr.; Mohd Azri, Abd Aziz (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2012-06-18)
      In this paper, the development of a new low cost DataGlove system based on fingertip bending tracking techniques is presented as an alternative to expensive devices. The purpose of the research is to design a robust and ...
    • A study of workers posture on napier harvest process 

      Mohd Khairul Faizi, Abd Rahman; Shahriman, Abu Bakar, Dr.; Hazry, Desa, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Ruslizam, Daud; Wan Khairunizam, Wan Ahmad, Dr.; Siti Khadijah, ZA'BA, Dr, (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2012-06-18)
      Workers in the agriculture industry are extremely exposed to the risk of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) either in short or long term which is directly affected to the production outputs. As initial, this paper will review ...
    • V/STOL quadrotor: Introduction to flight movements and control 

      Zul Azfar, Ahmam; Hazry, Desa, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Muhamad Firdaus, Muhamad Dali; Mohd Zahiruddin, Md Zain; Amin Syazwan (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2012-06-18)
      This paper describes the use of brushless DC motors, electronic speed motor controllers, flight control board, spectrum transmitter and receiver in developing a remote operated Vertical/Short Take-Off Landing (V/STOL) ...
    • Quadro control for underwater mobile robot navigation 

      Muhamad Firdaus, Muhamad Dali; Hazry, Desa, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Zul Azfar, Ahmam; Mohd Zahiruddin, Dzulkifli; Nur Isamuddin, A. H. M. (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2012-06-18)
      This paper described the development of new propulsion configuration concept for the underwater mobile robot. It is called the quadro control underwater mobile robot. With this new design, the robot is using four motor ...
    • Effectiveness of a recurrent neural network in emergence of discrete decision making through reinforcement learning 

      Mohamad Faizal, Samsudin; Hazry, Desa, Dr.; Shibata, Katsunari (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), 2012-06-18)
      In a discrete decision making task, using a neural network suffers from the problem of discrete decision making. On the other hand, using a lookup table suffers from the problem in generalization and the curse of dimensionality. ...
    • Stability mechanism of an quadrotor for easy sprayer aerial vehicle 

      Shaiful Zairi; Hazry, Desa, Assoc. Prof. (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Centre for Graduate Studies, 2010-10-16)
      Technology of unmanned aircraft vehicle (UAV) as a multi-purpose aircraft received a very high encouragement nowadays. This is because many applications can be done by UAVs, such as military, agriculture, surveillance and ...
    • Emotion detecting humanoid – the use of GPSO Algorithm 

      Bashir, Mohammed Ghandi; Ramachandran, Nagarajan, Prof. Dr.; Hazry, Desa, Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Centre for Graduate Studies, 2010-10-16)
      Recently, we implemented a real-time expert system that receives a live video stream of the face of a human subject and recognizes any of the six basic facial emotions expressed by the subject. The expert system ...
    • Development of Flight Control Unit for semi autonomous AMAC-Q 

      Zul Azfar, A.; Hazry, Desa, Prof. Madya Dr. (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Centre for Graduate Studies, 2010-10-16)
      This paper contains the method of development of Flight Control Unit (FCU) for semi autonomous AMAC-Q (Autonomous Mini Air Craft – Quadrotor). To develop the Flight Control Unit, the characteristic and placement of the ...
    • Development of bipedal walking mobile robot 

      M., Zahiruddin; Hazry, Desa, Prof. Madya Dr.; Mohd Sofian, Muhammad Rosbi (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Centre for Graduate Studies, 2010-10-16)
      This paper describes the design, fabrication, control of walking stability and analysis of bipedal mobile robot. The main objective of the project is to study about the theories and the practical challenges involved ...
    • A study of a challenges for an unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) development 

      Azlan, Abd Ghani; Hazry, Desa, Prof. Madya Dr. (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Centre for Graduate Studies, 2010-10-16)
      This paper is an overview of the application potential and design challenges of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), defined as small enough to be practical for a single-person transport and use. Four types of UAVs are ...
    • GPSO versus GA in facial emotion detection 

      Bashir, Mohammed Ghandi; Ramachandran, Nagarajan, Prof. Dr.; Sazali, Yaacob, Prof. Dr.; Hazry, Desa, Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)School of Mechatronic Engineering, 2012-02-27)
      We recently proposed a modification to the widely known Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm so that it can be applied as a method for facial emotion recognition. We named our proposed modification to PSO as the ...
    • Magnetic force simulations and analysis for conceptual absorber system 

      Mohd Khairul Faizi, Abd Rahman; Hazry, Desa, Prof. Madya Dr.; Ruslizam, Daud (Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Pusat Pengajian Kejuruteraan Mekatronik, 2012-02-27)
      This paper presents the magnetic force simulations and analysis for conceptual absorber system. The conceptual magnetic absorber system has been proposed as a new concept for vibration energy dissipation method by using ...
    • Real-time system for facial emotion detection using GPSO algorithm 

      Bashir, Mohammed Ghandi; R., Nagarajan, Prof. Dr.; Hazry, Desa, Assoc. Prof. Dr. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2010-10-03)
      Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm has been widely recognized as an efficient algorithm with applicability is many areas. Recently, we proposed the Guided Particle Swarm Optimization (GPSO) algorithm, which is a ...
    • Vision based robot positioning and recognition using artificial intelligent system 

      Fathinul-Syahir, Ahmad Sa'ad; Hazry, Desa, Dr.; Muhammad Juhairi Aziz, Safar; Md Tasyrif, Abdul Rahman (International Islamic University Malaysia (UIAM), 2008-12-18)
      Many applications using vision based automation system incorporating robotic technology have been developed in many sectors, such as land-based and aerial-based remote sensing for natural resources assessments, precision ...
    • Stereo vision based robotic bin picking system for agile manufacturing 

      Fathinul-Syahir, Ahmad Sa'ad; Hazry, Desa, Dr.; Muhammad Juhairi Aziz, Safar (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)Faculty of Electrical Engineering, 2009-06-02)
      This research aims at conducting a fundamental analysis on developing a stereo vision system for an industrial robot to perform bin picking operations similar to a human way of bin picking.A Vision System and a set of ...
    • Automated face localization and facial features detection using geometric information 

      Chai, Tong Yuen; Mohd Rizon, Mohamed Juhari, Prof. Dr.; Karthigayan, M.; Sugisaka, M.; Hazry, Desa, Dr.; Ibrahim, Z. (Malaysia-Japan University Center (MJUC), 2007-11-12)
      This paper presents algorithms to detect irises of both eyes and mouth from color and intensity images and extracts intensity valleys from the race region. Next, the algorithm extracts iris candidates from the valleys and ...
    • Electromyography signal based for intelligent prosthesis design 

      Zunaidi, Ibrahim; Ramachandran, Nagarajan, Prof. Dr.; Mohd Rizon, Mohamed Juhari, Prof. Dr.; Hazry, Desa, Dr.; Ruslizam, Daud; Azlin, C. O. (Springer-Verlag, 2008-06-25)
      Electromyography (EMG) is widely used throughout the world for different study such as clinical diagnosis and for movement analysis. One of the applications of EMG is in the development of myoelectric prosthesis. It is ...
    • Simple GUI design for monitoring of a remotely operated quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) 

      Zul Azfar, Ahmam; Hazry, Desa, Dr. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2011-03-04)
      This paper describes the process of designing a GUI (Graphical user interface) for a remotely operated quadrotor UAV. In the process of building this quadrotor project, SolidWork 2009 software was used to develop the ...