Development of thermal energy generator for low power application
Development of thermal energy generator for low power application is the product
that can generate energy by heat to produce an electrical energy. This project use a peltier as a main part of component. This peltier can generate the electrical directly from heat. The heat production is one possible step towards getting an object moving so that it has kinetic
energy. From the results of the kinetic energy will generate the electricity. While, the
software that will use for the simulation for the circuit is proteous this is because this
software is more functioning and easy to get the component than other software. This
project using proteous software to ensure and measure how much heat can be collected
when the voltage reaches the maximum level at 12VDC. Heat is the the best energy that can
be as a source for generated dc voltage for the renewable energy. The construction of step
up voltage regulator circuit is to step up a voltage from 3 VDC to 12 VDC. This project is
for develop of 12 VDC portable charger for low power application. In disaster situation like
floods situation, the electricity they use is limited or must disconnect the supply from TNB
to prevent the short circuit. In this situation they may not have electricity to charge their
mobile phone to make emergency call. From the heat from camp fire they can use as a
source for generated dc voltage. The small voltage that generated by thermal energy module
only 0.5 to 1V so that the step up voltage generator were construct to make the output
voltage 12VDC and the voltage can apply to load like mini fan 12VDC or bulb 12VDC.