Mohamad Nazri Abdul Halif, Dr.
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This page provides access to research works by Mohamad Nazri Abdul Halif, Dr. currently a Senior Lecturer of Institute of Engineering Mathematics, Universiti Malaysia Perlis.
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(Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)Pejabat Timbalan Naib Canselor (Penyelidikan dan Inovasi), 2007-01) -
A numerical approach of Polarization profile for First-Order Ferroelectric film system using Finite-Difference method
(Kolej Universiti Kejuruteraan Utara Malaysia, 2005-05-18)A detail account of numerical calculations using Finite-Difference Method (FDM) to calculate the polarization profile in first-order ferroelectric (FE) film system is given. For film, both symmetric and asymmetric cases ... -
Surface state on first-order ferroelectrics
(Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2006)In the presence of a surface the Landau-Devonshire equations of ferroelectricity must be extended to include a boundary condition. For a ferroelectric with a second-order transition in the case when the polarization p(z) ... -
Theoretical investigation of far-infrared optical behaviors in asymmentrical first-order ferroelectrtric thick film
(Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), 2005-12-06)This paper gives a detailed, fully numerical approach to investigate the behavior of far-infrared (FIR) waves in the first-order of asymmetrical thick film ferroelectrics on semiconductor substrate. The theoretical calculation ... -
The phenomenological theory of Far-Infrared spectroscopy for a ferroelectric fim system
(Malaysian Institute of Physics & National University of Malaysia, 2004-10-05)We describe a detailed phenomenological theory of far-infrared (FIR) spectroscopy in symmetric and asymmetric ferroelectric (FE) film for the second and first-order phase transition. For the asymmetric FE film, a silicon ... -
Oscillatory dynamical switching system of bulk ferroelectrics
(Science Publications, 2005)This study gives a detailed account of calculation of the bulk ferroelectric (FE) oscillatory dynamical system switching for first and second-order phase transition, respectively. All the formalism is delineated in the ... -
Far-infrared optical transmission through asymmetrical ferroelectric films
(Research India Publications, 2005)Investigation of far-infrared (FIR) spectroscopy for symmetrical ferroelectric (FE) films are discussed theoretically based on the basis of the Tilley-Zeks (TZ) model using Landau free energy expansion, Landau- Khalatnikov ... -
The physics of Tsunami: basic understanding of the Indian Ocean disaster
(Science Publications, 2005)This study gives a simple physics explanation behind the Indian Ocean earthquake, called December 26th‘s Tsunami. The explanation based on physics energy conservation and wave properties have been used to understand this ...