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dc.contributor.authorNurfairus, Razali
dc.contributorSchool of Environmental Engineeringen_US
dc.descriptionAccess is limited to UniMAP community.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe increase in population, tourism sector and rapid industrialization is a one factor of increase in solid waste in Malaysia. Perlis is one of the states experiencing increases in solid waste production to rate the increased population. With an area of 795 km2, the population of Perlis recorded in the year 2014 is 265408 peoples. As a result, solid waste generated in Perlis has already exceeded the ability the only landfill in Padang Siding. By using the method of Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA), a new location of landfill is selected. Five parameters are used in determine the new location for the landfill. The parameter is a location of residential areas in Perlis, water surface, the road line, protected forest and geology in Perlis. The selection of the location of new landfills will be able to prevent various problems such as the spread of bad smell, the spread of infectious diseases and air pollution. All these parameters are analyzed using GIS application where each parameter will be accompanied by a buffer zone. All parameters which consist of layers that had been analyzed are overlayed. The potential areas of suitable landfill site are depend on the overlay layer of parameters. As a result from overlay the parameters, the area of Padang Siding, Chuping, Kurong Anai, Jejawi, Pauh, Kechor, a part of Sanglang, a part of Kuala Perlis and a part of Arau is suitable location to be a new location for landfill site in Perlis.en_US
dc.publisherUniversiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP)en_US
dc.subject.otherMulti Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA)en_US
dc.subject.otherSolid wasteen_US
dc.subject.otherSolid waste management -- Perlisen_US
dc.titleMulti Criteria Decision Analysis Criteria (MCDA) to deal with landfill site selectionen_US

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